Monthly Archives: September 2009

Copenhagen Update #1

We spare no expense to update Chicago on what we’re doing! Seriously, Copenhagen has been flooded with olice, security and Secret Service agents. Everyone here is excited about Oprah, Michelle Obama or Pele. We still like to think that our presence is making a difference…

Live From Copenhagen!

No Games Chicago is in Copenhagen! The same team that went to Lausanne, Switzerland in June is now in Copenhagen. Our goal remains the same – to convince the International Olympic Committee that the 2016 Olympics for Chicago is the wrong project for the wrong city at the wrong time.

We;re still raising funds to pay for this trip – so please do use the PayPal button on the right!

Follow the news of our efforts on the “Live From Copenhagen” page on this web site!

The iconic mermaid of Copenhagen.

The iconic mermaid of Copenhagen.

A Friend Sent Us This…

For No Games supporters an inspirational quote from the late great Molly Ivins:

“So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin’ ass and celebratin’ the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was. ”

See you at the rally at City Hall 5:30 today!

Open Letter to Barack Obama

An Open Letter to Barack Obama: For the good of Chicago, don’t go to Copenhagen.

Dear President Obama:

This summer has not been easy for many people who reside in Chicago. As the city entered into the final leg of competition for the 2016 Summer Olympics, Chicago citizens witnessed cuts in services, and city employees were forced to take furlough days to balance the budget. At the same time, many state programs and jobs were slashed.

While funds were nowhere to be found for basic services, the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid committee, the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois lined up nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds for the 2016 Olympics.

A recent WGN/Chicago Tribune poll found that less than half of Chicagoans support the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid, and that 84 percent were opposed to using tax revenue to cover any losses incurred. Only recently did the Chicago 2016 bid committee make any effort to engage the community in citywide meetings where it was evident that many in Chicago had deep concerns about hosting the Olympics, including the potential for cost overruns and resident displacement.

As a longtime resident of Chicago, you are well aware that in this city, cost overruns and delays of large civic construction projects go hand in hand.

Millennium Park came in four years behind schedule and three times over budget. The recent construction on the Dan Ryan Expressway came in at twice its original budget. And last summer, construction was halted on a “super-station” for express trains between Chicago-area airports and the Loop business district–$213 million has been spent on the project, and today, there isn’t much more than a concrete hole in the ground to show for it.

Costs overruns and the Olympics also go hand in hand. The city of Vancouver, which will host the 2010 Winter Olympics, is $6 billion in debt, a tab that will be picked up by taxpayers. And the 2012 Summer Olympics in London are four times more expensive than the initial budgeted figure–with a total cost running currently at $20 billion, nearly three years ahead of the opening ceremonies.

Continue reading

Protest the 2016 Bid on September 29!


5:30PM at CITY HALL (121 N. LaSALLE ST.)

RSVP using Facebook


The City of Chicago currently has a $500 million budget gap. Chicago public schools are being closed and the CTA is crumbling. The city is staggering from one budget crisis to the next – and the Mayor’s Office is already predicting that the 2010 budget will be worse than 2009.

Meanwhile, Chicago’s City Council has put the taxpayers on the hook for any cost overruns that would occur if the city gets the Olympics. And Olympics and cost overruns go hand in hand. Currently, the City of Vancouver, host of the 2012 Winter Olympics is on the hook for $6 billion in Olympics cost overruns – which may bankrupt the city. The 2012 Summer Games in London are 4-times over budget, with a total bill of at least $20 billion.

On October 2nd the International Olympic Committee will decide on the host city for the 2016 Olympic Games. Let your voice be heard… Protest the Chicago 2016 Olympic Bid.


Endorsed by: No Games Chicago,  Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP), Answer Chicago, Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE), International Socialist Organization, Northside Action for Justice, Green Party Chicago, Pan-African Roots,  March 10 Committee, Pilsen Alliance, IVI-IPO, United Taxpayers of Oak Park.

For more information or to endorse this action contact:, call (312) 235-2873. Download a rally flier. Tell us you’ll be attending by RSVPing using Facebook!

2016 Orders Anti-Bid News Report Cancelled

From the Drudge Report:

Sun Sep 27 2009 21:56:11 ET

A local TV station that reported on Chicagoans NOT wanting the Olympics has been told NOT to run the report again, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT!

The Chicago Olympic Committee told FOX Chicago that its broadcast "would harm Chicago's chances" to be awarded the games. The station's news director ordered staff to hold fire after the report aired once last Thursday morning, claims a source.

Chicago, Madrid, Tokyo and Rio are mounting strong bids for the honor to host in 2016. The International Olympic Committee makes its decision on Friday. President Obama will lead the in-person push.

Watch the offending news report from Fox Chicago News.

Sportswriter for Nation Lays It Out – “No Games For Chicago!”

Watch this video where Nation magazine sports editor and columnist, Dave Zirin, lays out the history of the modern Olympics and explains why bringing the 2016 games to Chicago would be a disaster.

Let’s Spend $5 Billion To Generate $4.4 Billion!

Crain’s Chicago reports that anew independent study of the 2016 Olympic plan debunks their inflated claims of economic benefits. The new study, by Anderson Economic Group of Michigan, estimates the games would generate $4.4 billion in total economic impact. Download the report.

Since the 2016 folks say the games will cost about $5 billion (No Games Chicago believes the true cost will be MUCH higher), the entire project will generate less impact then ot costs to produce and stage the games. We might as well just raise that money and give it directly to needy Chicagoans to pay their bills and purchase homes.

Crain’s further reports:

The firm also raises warnings about potential costs to taxpayers, estimating that the public could be on the hook for up to half the cost of the Olympic Village. Chicago 2016 plans for private developers to shoulder all of the $1-billion project cost. “There has, however, been some doubt that sufficient private funds will become available,” the report states.

Anderson predicts taxpayers could be exposed to cover $500 million in costs related to the village, or purchasing insurance for the games that is expected to total about $68 million in premiums. Those factors reduce the economic benefit of spending from the Olympic Village project and the overall economic benefit to taxpayers from hosting the games.

Chicago – please JOIN us to protest this scam! We are rallying in front of City Hall on Tuesday, September 29 at 5:30pm.

Atlanta Community Leader Sets The 96 Games Record Straight

Anita Beaty directs the Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless and she was in Atlanta for the run up the 1996 Olympics and has lived through the delivery and aftermath. She warns us not to believe the hype. Will you listen to her?

You can also listen to and embed an audio player for her remarks (6 minutes) at!

Download a Word transcript of her remarks.

Did You Just Feel The Earth Move?

Daley-Trust_Me-smallIn the Sun-Times, Mayor Daley says it would take an earthquake or a tornado to make us foot the bill for the 2016 games.

“They have been very, very fiscally responsible in regards to their presentation. I really believe that. Unless … ,” Daley said without completing the sentence.

Unless what? What would it take to put taxpayers on the hook?

“An earthquake or something or a tornado,” he said. “I really believe that, because we don’t have to build all of these facilities. That’s the difference.


Well, did you just feel something? The city has already spent or committed over $200 million for the purchase, demolition, clean-up and enhancement of the Olympic Village site.